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[url=]xbox 360 kinect for cheap[/url] Your focus should be on sellingnot fighting with lenders, appraisers, attorneys or whoever!* If you work in an environment that has a team of processors, and anyone can take the file, then try to get assigned to just one particular person Or, try to develop a good working relationship with a processor You want someone who will treat the file as their own, and take it all the way to closing How many times have you had a good loan go bad, because of a goof-up in the processing department In large mortgage companies, this is better known as The Black Hole–loans go in, but they dont come out! ;-) * To motivate and encourage ownership, cut the processor in on a piece of the commission, or pay them a flat fee per file [url=]xbox 360 console for sale[/url]  For example, Bob just got promoted this week, and his salary will be raised next month He was so happy about it, and then he spends his future salary with his credit card This is the mistake that we often do In short, don’t spend it until you have it in your ‘pocket’  Third, don’t put your money in the bank for too long.

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